Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fishing with Vance

Took the boat out this weekend with Vance on an awesome day on the South Shore of Tampa Bay.  After launching at EG Simmons we ran a little south to some shallow flats hoping for some trout and reds.

Super low negative tides!

After getting up on to the flat we started in a little deeper water where there was nothing going on so we eased up into some shallow water around the sand bar (and I mean shallow!) we finally started seeing some life.  We fished a few holes and finally found some fish.  The first fish we actually sight casted to and it sucked the shrimp right off the bottom 15-20ft from the boat.  After a quick fight it was in the boat for a picture.  We caught a couple more and moved holes down the sand bar.

Unfortunately, that was pretty much the end of that area since the tide probably pushed the reds up inside the bar and we didn't chase them since I had a spot in the Roach that I wanted to fish.  We ran south to CRB and we did find one snook in the back country but it was all by itself, so we ran back outside and further south towards home to try to get a boat slam on some deeper flats with a trout but it wasn't meant to be.  The boat handled great in a light chop and Vance let me jump up on the poling platform to see if I could actually make the boat go forward.  Well the view from up there is amazing but I'm going to need to practice my skills.  I'm looking forward to getting back out there.  I hope that the weather keeps holding through the winter! 75 deg days in Jan are pretty nice. 

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