Saturday, March 21, 2015

So it's been a while.  We've been busy and I haven't taken the time to update this thing in a while.  Lets see I haven't probably fished much since July but for a couple of trips and one memorable trip to Pine Island where we caught an insane number of redfish with Capt. Corey from Falling Tide Charters.  Give him a call, you'll have a great time. 

After that well Kate and welcomed Sam into the world in Oct.  We've been busy raising him over the past few months and it's been pretty cool. 

I did get to go deer hunting for a couple of weekends during the rut and I'll get a post up on that since I had some video but for the cliff's notes version I took a really nice South Georgia whitetail.

Deer scored mid-130s with some really crazy tine length.  I was pretty happy.  Dad took a couple of nice deer as well.  I've also got into shooting long range rifle so I'll see if I can't make a post about that as well.  Hopefully the stars will start lining up on the tides, weather and health so I can take the boat out. 

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